2 oct 2024

autumn clusters

 Still no astro camera, but the old 450d is doing great. This time, an all nighter. It survived.

asterism c399 percha in vulpecula
450d on q150    34x3min @ ISO800

mirfak and friends in perseus
450d on q150    10x3min @ ISO800

nebula ngc281 pacman in cassiopeia
450d on q150    34x3min @ ISO800

open cluster l to r ngc884 and ngc869 in perseus
450d on q150    36x3min @ ISO800

open cluster m103 in cassiopeia
450d on q150    36x3min @ ISO800

28 sept 2024

450d calibration

 Using Siril with light and flat frames only, we simply subtract the offset of 1024. Method here.

mirror shadow along the top edge

27 sept 2024

450d clusters


Omegon in Germany for repair. Again. Out with the trusty old eos450d. Strange night. Warm westerly hair-dryer breeze giving 27º at 01:00. Not good for old sensors. But hey, dither to the fore...

open cluster ngc457 owl in cassiopeia
eos450d on q150    34x3min @ ISO800

open cluster m39 in cygnus
eos450d on q150    36x3min @ ISO800

phd2 loses calibration EKOS

Save loadsa time.

Calibrate near the intersection of the meridian and equator and set PHD2 to:
Auto restore calibration

In INDI-EKOS, we do not want to:
 Reset Guide Calibration After Each Slew

 ...and if you're using the internal guider you do want to:
 Store and reuse guide calibration when possible

11 sept 2024

siril astro build ubuntu 24.04

install dependencies
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libcfitsio-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl-dev libopencv-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libraw-dev gnome-icon-theme libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libswresample-dev libgit2-dev libheif-dev libexiv2-dev libjxl-dev wcslib-dev libjson-glib-dev libffms2-dev

clone the source

git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/free-astro/siril.git

cd siril
meson setup _build --buildtype release -DlibXISF=false
cd _build ninja ninja install

cd siril
 git pull
 git submodule update --recursive
 meson setup --reconfigure _build 
cd _build
 sudo ninja install

currently 1.3.2:



Badly framed. Never expected anything like from 15 year old technology. In with a usb power supply and amazingly...

asterism cr399 percha in vulpecula
eos450d on q150    36x3min @ iso800