30 nov 2019


Running phd2 under valgrind is not the most pleasant of tasks and of course the thing we were looking for, a phd2 crash, didn't happen. There's a law for that.

So it was we completed 72, 4 minute frames under terrible guiding of over 2.0 RMS. Some guiding frames just didn't seem to get through so slow programs run under debug. Anyway, 68 frames were usable and the forgiving focal length of the pds came to the rescue.

I went out at 03:00 to check and the sequence had finished, leaving 3 hours of astro darkess. I set on m78 and managed 28 5 minute frames before dawn. Not enough to overcome the noise. The saga continues...

Can't find much info on this one save to say it's an area of H-alpha emitting gas.
emission nebula ngc1491 in perseus
700d on 130pds    68x4min@ ISO800

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