It's been clear since 26 January, so no excuses for not getting images.
All using a old bashed around eos700d on either an equally see-better-days pn208 or a relatively well looked after gso203. Either 4 or 5 minute frames all at ISO800 under the control of the EKOS scheduler whilst we slept.
Siril 1.0.0 rc3 - StarTools 1.8.525
m35 gemini |
m36 auriga |
m38 auriga |
m44 cancer |
m81 ursa major |
m96 and friends leo |
m101 second attempt |
m101 ursa major |
m109 ursa major |
ic417 auriga |
ngc2281 auriga |
ngc3189 and friends leo |
b33 orion nt150s |
m65 and friends leo |
m37 auriga |
m81 ursa major |
m81 and m82 ursa major nt150s |
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