20 oct 2023

the heart

Testing the 72ed after deciding it wasn't tilt afterall, but simply benefitted from being torn apart anyway, especially after loosening, ratlling and finally re-tightening the lens elements with reasonable -as opposed to extreme Chinese- force.  Astigmatism now much better. Not perfect. Better.

thought it was the camera

or the ff

m48 spacers. 15mm+30mm+adapter m48-m42 5mm = 50mm total
backfocus = 50+17.5 = 67.5mm

Just over an hour with the l-enhance, which should satisfy the over-processing brigade; the stars have been destroyed.

Processed in Siril of which its post processing stuff I know very little.

I don't like it.

emission nebula ic1805 heart in cassiopeia
veTEC571C on 72ed    15x5min @ hcg100

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