Not needed one before. First go with an electric focuser. Mainly because they've only just become affordable; curiosity.
The Gemini focuser uses the MyFocuserPro2 driver under the DIY section of the focuser menu.
As we are probably going to have one focuser for each telescope -it's silly having to change focuser hardware each time- we gave the gemini focuser an alias:
in kstars
Tools -> Devices -> Custom Drivers
The MyFocuserPro2 now appears as gemini_1, so we choose that as the focuser for the profile. Any changes made to this focuser e.g. a preset, are now stored at:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 5605 ene 10 10:30 gemini_1_config.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 5073 ene 10 10:28 gemini_1_config.xml.default
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 5188 ene 9 22:55 MyFocuserPro2_config.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve steve 5188 ene 4 16:51 MyFocuserPro2_config.xml.default
Nudge the focuser to get close to focus (take a e.g.1s exposure after each nudge) then hit Auto Focus.
Miraculously, after a minute or so:
Focus settings whilst imaging (i.e. re-focusing) are accessed via the Capture module 'Limits' button:
And hey, despite the awful seeing, a pretty picture. Still no idea how to process refractor images but anyway... Oh, and found the bloated stars solution: the rubbish svbony uv-ir cut filter. Put an equally cheap Laida filter instead and it's much better. See the m33 above.
galaxies m81 bode's with m82 el puro in ursa major tr533 on sv122 16xm min @ hcg100 |
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