19 feb 2025

gso focuser

You can see this. But noone laugh. OK?

Gemini EAF fitted to GSO linear rail focuser with reinforced (sic) 3mm aluminium strip, epoxy glue, bits of adhesive tape and 'modified' tension screw. It works well. Sometimes.

Anyway, here are the images. An experiment using the old faithful StarTools in comparison with Franklin Merak's new-kid-on-the-block setiastrosuite 2.10.12 incorporating CosmicClarity AI with the usual large contribution for calibration and stacking from Siril 1.3.6

the -rather nice- setiastrosuite interface

open clusters m35 below ngc2158 in gemini
atr533c on gso203    34x3min @ hcg100
process setiastrosuite

process startools

galaxy ngc3718 and friends in ursa major
atr533c on gso203    34x4min @ hcg100
process seti and graxpert

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